Just a quick update with some pictures of the girls. They will be 9 months old next week! I can't believe how fast time is flyinig with them and all the things that they are learning to do everyday! They are both crawling around everywhere and pulling up on everything which makes things kinda scary around here. With two to fall and bump heads it makes for a long day of picking up and loving on crying babies! :) Emmilyn and Lilly are also talking like crazy, they crack me up crawling around saying "baba, dada, mama" and of course their favorite word is Dada!! They just started playing well with each other , which is adorable and they are still making that sound that they only do with each other :) We put them down in the kitchen last week and Emmilyn started chasing Lilly, they were both laughing like crazy and Lilly even turned around as if she was telling Emmilyn to come on.
Some other changes in our house is that we are MOVING HOME. We have our house under contract and plan on being in Alabama for good in January. I am very excited to get back home to all my friends and family. Its also bittersweet b/c we'll be leaving Davids parents, but this has always been our plan to move back home, the girls just sped it up a bit. Our plan is to buy my grandparents house and fix it up. I have always loved their house but never imagined it would be mine one day, I guess I thought they would be around forever.
Our three year anniversary is next week and I NEVER thought that in three short years my life would have changed so much. Everyday I think back to how we felt when we found out we were having twins and how scared we were and now I can't imagine having it any other way. I contintue to thank God each and everyday for bringing David into my life and now for these two beautiful babies he has blessed us with.
Our three year anniversary is next week and I NEVER thought that in three short years my life would have changed so much. Everyday I think back to how we felt when we found out we were having twins and how scared we were and now I can't imagine having it any other way. I contintue to thank God each and everyday for bringing David into my life and now for these two beautiful babies he has blessed us with.